About Us

Actually, It's Not About Us.
It's About You.

Your challenges, aspirations and world-changing dreams...
It’s not easy pioneering new markets and boldly going where no human has gone before – which is exactly why you do it.

We participate as a trusted, experienced voice to help manage and solve your diverse range of strategic business challenges, such as:

  • Determining optimal company/product positioning and messaging
  • Identifying go-to-market priorities
  • Providing feedback and marketing direction
  • Onboarding and inspiring talent
  • Creating compelling content
  • Driving key initiatives, from digital lead generation campaigns to sales enablement

By teaming with in-house and virtual teams unique to your situation, we orient resources and investments to create and execute your best possible “business wins.”

Technical Domains

  • IT Security
  • ICS/SCADA Security
  • IoT Security
  • Enterprise Software
  • Cloud/SAAS
  • Mobile/SP Software

Our Leadership

allison collage

Allison J. Taylor
Founder and CEO

Allison J. Taylor is a Silicon Valley marketing consultant, corporate leader, and obsessively curious entrepreneur, mindfully helping technology leaders and their teams grow and succeed. Allison has brought over 20 software solutions and services to market for corporate, mid-size and start-up technology companies, representing over $3 billion in revenue across 35 countries. She founded her first company in Israel at age 24, and currently serves as Founder and CEO of Thought Marketing LLC, where she manages all client engagements and runs the business. Her hands-on strengths for clients include global strategy development, cross-functional teamwork, creative problem-solving, messaging & positioning, research, and writing.

  • Start-up & global Fortune 500 executive leadership positions
  • Balanced blend of corporate, product, business and communications expertise
  • Corporate business strategist – Enterprise Software, SAAS
  • Product marketing director – Security, Networking
  • Middle East journalist
  • Corporate communications leader
  • Creative ad agency founder
  • Editor and Writer
  • Mentor
Favorite Reads:
Favorite Walk Tracks:

Our Differentiator

Thought Marketing offers a rare combination of serious, highly ethical professionalism mixed with fun-inspiring energy. We like to call it: “serious marketing brains, without the serious attitude.”

Whether global multi-nationals or fledgling start-ups, our clients turn to us for senior talent that can jump in, determine a rational course of action, and drive teams to happily get “cool” things done.

Our marketing experience is especially strong in IT Security, ICS/SCADA Security, IoT Security, Enterprise Software and Cloud/SAAS/PAAS/IAAS. (Yes, we read about those topics, even when nobody’s looking).

Based in Silicon Valley, we live, breathe and love world-changing initiatives that merge business and technology – especially ventures that improve life for those of us still here on Earth (although we are open to Mars colonization projects).

Our Approach

Our methodology is founded on the proven principles of active listening, diligent research and realistic planning that sets measurable, impactful goals.

Our first step is to evaluate the client’s unique situation, then propose an initial plan of action.

After senior leadership collaboration and tuning, that plan becomes our team’s guidepost to do “whatever it takes” to turn success metrics into reality.

We bring in fresh thinking, research and a sharp and experienced eye, working closely with in-house teams or outsourced vendors to hit our success metrics.

Along the way, we build friendships and relationships through honest communication and a passion to do great and memorable things. A dose of sarcasm and a sense of humor ensure we never let arrogance or egos get in the way.

To date, 100% of our business is through the “good karma” of unsolicited referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Our Team

Dr. Caroline Drakeley

Caroline has been a core part of the Thought Marketing virtual team for over 11 years as a marketing consultant skilled in executing strategic initiatives.

Caroline’s experience spans both corporate and agency integrated marketing services in brand development and management, traditional and digital marketing communications, as well as social media management. Having founded and managed a technical communication firm for over 12 years, Caroline’s past program management experience, technology skills in MarTech and web development, and customer relations services provide Thought Marketing’s clients a solid execution framework.

A continuous learner, Caroline explores best practices in innovative, yet effective, digital marketing and communication tactics for optimum client results. With an array of media and channels available, the right mix is critical for advancing clients’ goals.

Caroline holds a B.A. from the University of California, Davis; an MBA from California State University, Sacramento; and a Doctorate in Organizational Studies from Wright State University.

Our Circles

We scale capabilities as needed by integrating expertise from our trusted circles of talent, including videographers, market researchers, pricing analysts, localized agencies and partner design teams.

Our Clients